Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm Catholic, who should I vote for?

I know a lot of people are wondering, I'm Catholic, who do I vote for? So I decided to write this blog to help you decide. 

Basically, if you're Catholic or Christian, you can't be Catholic and pro-choice, or Christian and pro-choice. Abortion, birth control, safe sex, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, and cloning are all against the teachings of Christ.  Watch this youtube video,  Catholic Vote.

If you say, "I'm Catholic, but I think its ok to vote for a pro-choice candidate," or " favor of contraception," or "my faith has nothing to do with my political perspectives or beliefs," or if you think that the other issues are more important, you are very wrong my friend.  


The most important issue is LIFE and if you claim to be Catholic, then you believe in the sanctity of life and in the truth in our Church's teachings. 
**If you don't believe and follow them, then you're not Catholic and don't say you are.  It would be like acting as a heretic, as Sean Hannity did.  Claimed to be Catholic, and as a public figure was in favor of birth control, and that could even cost him a denial of Communion.  

Now, I'm not going to tell you who to vote for, because you need to make your own decision, which to me is a life and death decision. But if you want to see directly where Obama and McCain stand visit this website, Political Responsibility.  

I will say this, Obama is not just in favor of abortion, but supports infanticide. How heartless can he be?  Is this what you mean when you say pro-choice or abortion? Click there to see what it is.  Watch this video and testimony of what Obama is in favor of:

If this doesn't convince you I don't know what else will. Below are links to the Catechism
of the Catholic Church on life issues. Feel free to browse them and find out what our Church stands for.

Feel free to comment and ask questions.
God bless you!

United in Prayer,


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